CoreDownload Free Wallpaper Changer is a freeware utility that will help you configure your desktop wallpaper easily .You can use all your favorite images as wallpapers. CoreDownload Free Wallpaper Changer supports many file types like JPG, GIF, PNG, BMP. Our free wallpaper changer and sequencer has a simple and intuitive control panel to customize your desktop wallpaper conveniently, full context-sensitive help, and many more... Why pay for something that does the same? Use CoreDownload Free Wallpaper Changer as much as you want. All we want is your feedback at contact[at] . Tell us your opinion about CoreDownload Free Wallpaper Changer so we can improve it. Features * User friendly interface with full context-sensitive help and comprehensive help file. * Create play lists of your favorite wallpapers and customize them as you like. * Extensive supports for all popular graphics formats: BMP, JPG, GIF, PNG,PCX,TGA, TIF and WMF. * You can program the wallpaper to change automatically after a specified time period (e.g. every 5 minutes). * You can use different background color for each wallpaper. * Schedule option that saves precious time * Fit to screen and auto fit position options for the wallpaper. * Animate CoreDownload Free Wallpaper Changer tray icon to download click below link.
Advanced Renamer is freeware program for renaming multiple files or folders at once. It can use several different methods for calculating the new name including multimedia tools for sound and picture files.
Advanced Renamer makes it easy to set up an advanced batch job using multiple methods on a large amount of files. The eight different methods make it possible for you to change the names, attributes and timestamps of files in one go.
With Advanced Renamer you can construct new file names by adding, removing, replacing, changing case, or giving the file a brand new name based on known information about the file.
This program is a great utility for organising digital pictures for both professionals and beginners. The thumbnail mode lets you display thumbnails directly in the file list giving you maximum control of the renaming process. With this program you can rename all your photos in a snap, to download click below link.
Rapid Typing Tutor may be a good program to help novice typists improve, but experienced typists looking to increase their speed may be frustrated by the program's interface.
The program contains a series of lessons that scroll across the screen as the user types. Users can choose from lessons consisting of letters, syllables, capital letters, digits and symbols, or text. As each lesson scrolls across, a keyboard diagram shows an outline of hands moving to the appropriate key. Users type through each lesson and are then shown their scores on speed, accuracy, and arrhythmic input. The main problem with the interface is that experienced typists tend to scan ahead in the text they're typing from, focusing on words or phrases rather than individual letters. Rapid Typing Tutor allows users to see no more than a few characters ahead. And since the speed of the scroll depends on the speed of the typist, those who are already fairly quick may find that the blur of text flying across the screen is hard to process visually. Users who are just getting familiar with the keyboard layout likely won't be bothered by this, but they may grow increasingly frustrated as their speed increases, to download click below link.
WinCDEmu is an open-source software that allows mounting ISO images by clicking at the image files in Windows Explorer.
Each mounted image will be represented by a separate virtual CD device, as in MacOS. There is no limit for the number of simultaniously mounted images. To unmount an image, double-click the corresponding file in Explorer again, or simply eject the corresponding CD drive using the context menu,to download click blow link.
Open++ is a shell context menu extension that allows you to quickly open the target file or folder with the predefined commands in Windows Explorer. It adds a submenu with customized menu items to the shell context menu when right click a file or folder in Windows Explorer. Open++ submenu is similar to the standard "Send To" menu but is much more advanced, since it allows you to customize the Title, Program, Parameters, Icon, Execution type, Associated file types for all commands that are added to the shell context menu.
In addition, Open++ also provides some advanced features, such as Open Command Prompt window, Copy full path or short path to the clipboard, Run program with parameters, Register or unregister DLL, Open or close CD drive, Set file attributes or time, and much more. You can add these predefined commands from the popup menu of Add button in Open++ Customize dialog. The following is the screenshot of Open++ download click below link.
ToYcon lets you create icons by simply dragging and dropping images onto its box-shaped interface. The program supports all the popular graphic formats and converts them right to ICO as soon as you drop the file on its interface. The resulting icon is saved in the same folder as the original image with the same name, though you can set the program to ask for destination after each conversion,to download click below link.

Talking ClockPacked with amazing features you could ever dream of ChiranthaSoft Talking Clock is the best Time speech solution out there! With unlimited* programmable alarms and the unique STATE OF EMERGENCY® system, whether your just a busy person, disabled or blind, Talking Clock with serve you well! And because of the Self-Recovery feature its not going to be easy to break Talking Clock, to download click below link.
GifSplitter can break GIF animation down into individual image frames. Then, you can select any frames of the gif animation, and modify them as you like. Also, GifSplitter will create a .gsf file which can be used in Magic ASCII Studio. So, with the help of GifSplitter you can make ASCII art animation directly from .gif animation file in Magic ASCII Studio now. Version 2 is a bug fixing release,to downoloag click below.
Thunderbird makes e-mailing safer, faster, and easier with such features as intelligent spam filters, a built-in RSS reader, and quick search. Thunderbird was designed to prevent viruses and to stop junk mail so you can get back to reading your mail. Thunderbird provides effective tools for detecting junk mail. Its tools analyze your e-mail and identify those that are most likely to be junk. You can automatically have your junk mail deleted or you can put it in a folder you specify, just in case you like reading junk mail.
View your e-mail the way you want it. Access your e-mail with Thunderbird's new three-column view. Customize your toolbar, change its look with themes, and use Mail Views to quickly sort through your message, to download click below.
Avira AntiVir Personal Free Antivirus is a comprehensive, easy to use antivirus program, designed to offer reliable free of charge virus protection to home-users only.
Consistently at or near the top of independent efficacy testers, Avira's AntiVir remains one of the best freeware security solutions around. Its scans are flexible, allowing the user to fully scan both internal and external hard drives, run a preloaded scan--for rootkits, for example--or customize a scan. The latest version introduces antispyware protections, scanning tech that can crack open "locked" files, improved internal security to prevent AntiVir's files from being maliciously altered, and one-click threat removal--no more baby-sitting, to download click below.
Jealous of that slick Mac interface? Check out ObjectDock, a free utility that replaces the Windows Taskbar with a colorful, animated dock similar to the taskbar in Mac OS X.
ObjectDock displays icons for currently running applications and can hold quick-launch icons for your favorite programs. As you pass the cursor over each icon, ObjectDock magnifies it and displays relevant information, helping you find what you need even when you're running several programs at once. An attractive clock rounds out the toolbar. The tiny utility comes with a dozen attractive skins, and users with slow computers can reduce the animation quality to increase speed,to download ObjectDock click below.
Want to take Google's new web browser Chrome for a spin, but don't want to install anything on your computer? While Google hasn't officially released a portable version, the browser is open source. an independent developer has released Portable Chrome,
Portable Chrome comes as an 11MB self extracting file. When you run the executable, all the files you need to run Chrome will be loaded to the directory of your choice. Just click on ChromeLoader.exe to launch Google Chrome. And that's pretty much it. The browser includes all the same features you'll find in the original version of Chrome, including a super fast JavaScript engine, incognito mode, and the ability to run tabs as separate process, to download click below.
Mozilla Firefox3.5 is a fast, full-featured Web browser. Firefox includes pop-up blocking, tab-browsing, integrated Google search, simplified privacy controls, a streamlined browser window that shows you more of the page than any other browser and a number of additional features that work with you to help you get the most out of your time online to download click below.